The Mouth Revolution is a hilarious and very well made live-action film that parodies history and contemporary culture while informing viewers about the vital importance of eating real, organic foods. Narrated by revolutionary mouths who take it upon themselves to decide what they will and will not eat, personalities like “Sojourner Tooth” and “Captain Mouth” unveil their "Mouthifesto" -- a Declaration of Indigestion that details their objectives and demands: No Trans Fats, No GMOs, No Pesticides, and No Artificial Ingredients. more
Is TV the vast wasteland or is it the launching pad for the best in cinema and story telling? Check out "Innovative TV" by writer - director -producer Peter John Ross of SonnyBoo Productions
Can't make the grade on American Idol? Well who needs it. You can become a rock star on Internet Video. Wannabe music stars seek fame online 25 (Reuters Life!) - "American Idol" wannabes who miss out at their chance of stardom on the popular television singing contest are finding their 15 minutes of fame elsewhere -- online.
RealNetworks moves the TV movie model to the web—complete with commercials
RealNetworks announced that it will stream movies at no cost to consumers. The catch: They will be interrupted by commercials, just like on local and network TV.
REALNETWORKS ANNOUNCES FILM.COM WILL OFFER FREE STREAMING OF INDEPENDENT FULL-LENGTH MOVIES - "24 Hours on Craigslist" is's debut movie with a new film featured each week more
So you want to learn how to make movies? Check out Robert Rodriquez's 10 Minute Film School
A famous film-maker a while back said something about 'Everything you need to know about film you can learn in a week.' He was being generous. You can learn it in 10 minutes.
Here's a new site for hosting videos. They are specializing in spotlighting independent films and shorts - OverairTV.
Here is another good site for independent film makers to get exposure! is an online broadcasting network which allows independent film makers to upload their high-definition content, run their own content station, or create viewer demand for their content and station while sharing in their advertising. Great site for independent film makers to get exposure!
Watch out - a nasty Storm is on the way....Email spam with a bad payload. The attachments have names such as "Full Story.exe" or "Full Video.exe." Once they are launched, these files install malicious software that then waits to receive further instructions over the Internet. more
According to eMarketeer, by 2010, over 157 million US viewers will be watching Internet Video - No matter how you measure it, more people are watching more online video more frequently than ever before. more
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